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Packaging Baby Products 3 and Under

Packaging Baby Products

IMPORTANT: Failure to comply with FBA product preparation requirements, safety requirements, and product restrictions may result in the refusal of inventory at the Amazon fulfillment center, disposal or return of inventory, blocking of future shipments to the fulfillment center, or charging for preparation or for noncompliance at the fulfillment center.

Any product for children age three or younger that has an exposed surface greater than 1″x1″ must be packaged so it will not be damaged during receipt, stocking, shipment preparation, or shipment to the customer. Units that are not contained in a sealed, six-sided package or have an opening greater than 1″x1″ must be placed in a sealed poly bag or shrink-wrapped.

Related guidelines: Packaging Requirements – Poly bagged Units

Watch this brief video for examples of how to prep your products for shipment to and storage in Amazon fulfillment centers.

How to Prep Baby Products

Packaging guidelines

Do… Do Not…
Place exposed baby products in transparent sealed bags or shrink wrap (minimum of .09 mil.) clearly marked with a suffocation warning label.
Ensure entire Unit is sealed (no exposed surfaces) to prevent damage.
Allow bag or shrink wrap to protrude more than 3 inches past the dimensions of the product.
Send in a package where more than 1″x 1″ of the Unit is exposed.

Permitted packaging materials:

  • Poly bags
  • Labels
  • Suffocation stickers or markings

Examples of prepped Units

Not Permitted:
The product is not fully enclosed and
is exposed to dirt, dust, or damage.
The unit has been bagged, includes
a suffocation warning, and contains
a scannable product label.
Not Permitted:
The product is not fully enclosed and
is exposed to dirt, dust, or damage.
The unit has been bagged, includes
a suffocation warning, and contains a scannable product label.
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